Your turn… Take a minute to step outside yourself, then look inward…. Answer what you want… HERE




Ah, yes.

Then we learn.

Then we are catapulted into uncertainty and the learning that comes from navigating the uncharted territory; figuring out the path...

When things are going smoothly and we think life is unfolding as it "should", and then, wham... surprise... turns out...


When things are in turmoil and some small decision lands you on an unexpected path to sweet bliss...


When you thought what was, wasn't. Basically 2020...


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Going on Retreat.

Going on Retreat.

What does this retreat look like, to our vibrating bundles of energy?


Stillness to acknowledge the pervasive, non-specific anxiety that plays like background music in a movie; which is actually subconsciously setting the tone of our emotions and becoming the lens by which we see life through. Allowing for a momentary pause in stillness can smooth out our mental chatter, just by noticing the inner dialogue that is determining the quality of our life.

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My Backpack.

My Backpack.

I have found, that as I write, I loosen my grip on the stuff that I carry. And as life unfolds and I am confronted with hard things, my backpack is filled only with things I choose. I realize that what I want to keep in my backpack is, in essence, Love.

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The Force Is With Us.

The Force Is With Us.

No matter what comes together or is pulled apart, Love is here. In the greatest moments of success or the darkest hours of uncertainty, Love is here. In tragedy or triumph; harmony or frustration; inspiration or inconvenience, Love is here. Whether you feel alone or fiercely connected, Love is here. Despite any thoughts, regardless of any choice, and however you feel, Love is here. Through any pain or loss or joy, Love is here.

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The Saturday After Thanksgiving.

The Saturday After Thanksgiving.

I have learned that missing someone can be embraced. That the deeper the love, the deeper the loss. That there is no other side of grief. There is no pushing through; it is not something you finish.I have learned that grief is just Love with no place to go.I have learned that we are all just walking each other home. Hugging and holding. Choosing kindness and choosing light. Seeing joy and being love.

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Brain Thoughts.

Brain Thoughts.

By nature, as protection, the brain latches onto its own internal model, which is actually largely flawed and operating from past stories, likely not updated from Windows 95 version. We are hijacked by our separated, primitive brain, and spiraled into unconscious programming as it starts running the show.

"Our perceptions condition our feelings; and most of our perceptions are wildly inaccurate." -Joseph Goldstein

Turns out, we can't think our way out of something, especially if we didn't think our way into it.

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On One Leg.

On One Leg.

You are only as good on two legs as you are on one.

We have all developed strategies for movement patterns. Many of these are compensatory strategies to make up for some minor asymmetry in strength or range of motion. We become habituated to movement patterns, just as we are habituated to our repetitive thoughts. This is not specific to athletes, or people who train in a physical craft, but anyone who walks, gets up from a chair, empties a dishwasher, gets into a car...your movements are mostly automatic...and sometimes at a high cost to your function.

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We Can Do Hard Things.
health, wellness, breathing, yoga, meditation, mindfulness, healing Jessica Ackerman health, wellness, breathing, yoga, meditation, mindfulness, healing Jessica Ackerman

We Can Do Hard Things.

What’s the role of joy when things are actually really tough?

We are all connected to something greater than ourselves.

Only when we are in the darkness, can we shine as a light. Only when we are brought to task, and put on the line, do we realize, I actually belong. I am important enough to be given this challenge. I will rise to this battle with strength and light.

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Flooding our Brains with the Good Stuff.
health, wellness, breathing, yoga, meditation, mindfulness, healing Jessica Ackerman health, wellness, breathing, yoga, meditation, mindfulness, healing Jessica Ackerman

Flooding our Brains with the Good Stuff.

Chronic baths of this stress hormone lead to weight gain - because our primitive brain under stress responds by storing fat to protect us from a possible famine, which was a real threat thousands of years ago- our brain hasn’t quite caught up to the fact that there is an abundance of readily available food in all quantities.

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Jedi Mind-Trick
health, wellness, breathing, yoga, meditation, mindfulness Jessica Ackerman health, wellness, breathing, yoga, meditation, mindfulness Jessica Ackerman

Jedi Mind-Trick

It almost sounds too simple. We want more. Technology and grit and programs. But simple is not always easy. This is still a discipline. It takes intention and tuning in to your mind. It takes precision and discipline. It takes practice. If you are a competitive athlete or type-A personality, all the better- this is training; it is your assignment; it is worth it.

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Epic habits to make your routine flow.

Epic habits to make your routine flow.