What’s the role of joy when things are actually really tough?

We are all connected to something greater than ourselves.


Joy.  It sometimes reminds me of Christmas. Joy to the World. Or a name. Joy. But really, Joy, with a capital J, is more of a way of being. It is deeper than happy. It is more like Hope or Faith.... it is only there if we trust in something bigger...if we know deeper connection...if we have been through pain, and faced darkness with courage.

Then Joy becomes the only way to show up. Joy. Drinking wine with my mom. Joy. Swimming in the ocean waves with exhilarating salt water enveloping me. Joy. The laugher of my niece and nephew. Joy. Doing handstands. Joy. Knowing intimate love. Joy. It can really sustain us through tough times. It is not reserved for when things are going well or for when we have it all figured out. Joy is in the moments.

The pre-requisite to Joy is presence.
That is a big ask.

Be present. Be fully engaged and intentional in order to be in Joy. See clearly that life has suffering in it, that we have stuff that will arise and that sometimes we will need to go to battle. That doesn't mean that life is grim, but that we have the opportunity to be brave. Because only in the face of fear, do we know courage.

Only when we are in the darkness, can we shine as a light. Only when we are brought to task, and put on the line, do we realize, I actually belong. I am important enough to be given this challenge. I will rise to this battle with strength and light.

I will trust in the Joy that unfolds in each moment.

I will be all-in for this full human experience. 


Being Brave. Being Present. Being Joy. We can do hard things. Together. 

Here is a 5 minute body and mind opener... 
5 Minute Video Click here


Training for Life.... Every Day. 


Flooding our Brains with the Good Stuff.