Connection makes the difference.
“Jess, thank you from the bottom of my heart for your dedication, your ability to calm and help us focus. You are a gift!”
— Victoria G., Physical Therapist
Kevin J, Battalion Fire Chief, Providence, RI
“I am a relative newcomer to regular yoga practice. Jessica is an inspirational, non-judge mental, encouraging instructor of yoga flow. She demonstrates and shares her exceptional knowledge in the mental, physiological, and spiritual aspects of yoga. Her classes are great.”
Kevin W., Financial Planner, Yogi for 20 years
“Jess' classes are always (truly always) fun, challenging, informative and fulfilling. She skillfully guides students through sequences with encouragement, humor, and a lightness of being which makes each class a joy to be in. I finish each practice with her feeling refreshed and at peace.”
Jessie D., Art teacher, dancer, mom
“Such a great class! It was held in a beautiful spot, everyone was spaced out perfectly, and Jessica's instruction was amazing! I highly recommend this class!”
Erika N., Wife of patient with Parkinson’s disease
“Jess, my husband has been using the communication techniques and he is a new person. We can understand him and his quality of life has improved 100 fold. I can’t thank you enough for all you do to impact people’s lives.”
Mary C., Elite runner, mom of teens
“At the end of practice, I literally sighed a sigh of emotional and physical relief. What you do is amazing. It’s a gift.”
John M., Construction worker, cyclist
“Yes!! Strength in mind, strength in body.... our bodies won’t go where our minds don’t go. Quality breath-work and mental push-ups! Well done!”
“For reals! Running uphill into the wind today, I was just thinking about my breath. Forget the stories, forget the anxieties, forget how many miles are left. Just breathe. Game. Changer!”
- Joe S., Elite runner, scientist
Theresa L,, Triathlete
“I was running a 15 miler this morning and started to fatigue around 8 miles and was starting to think I wasn't really feeling it. But then I remembered you saying that you just tell yourself that you like it when doing something unpleasant. So I told myself, "I like this". And then I didn't mind. It really works.”
Mike M., Stroke survivor with life-long anxiety
“I told my neurologist I was utilizing mindfulness breathing techniques and it has been the only thing to help me since my stroke. Thank you for your skillful compassion!”
John B., Single dad, new to yoga
“My daughter talked about the class all day yesterday. She loved it. She wants to come back next week. See you Tuesday.”
John B., Ultra-Marathon runner
“Jessica Ackerman, your yoga classes did the trick! Really helped me mentally and physically. They were the only training I was able to do. Quality over quantity!
George T., Local small business owner
“I think what you are doing for the people in our community is just incredible. Big heart!!”
David W., University administrator, athlete, dad
Great class, as always. Important for my mind, body, spirit, in crazy times. You inspire people through your practice and your words and your being. Your human, physical, and emotional connections are a gift. I look forward to this time all day. I am thankful for your spirit in this valley we are living.
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