
Habit Hack Episode 17. Weekend Edition.

"In order for connection to happen, we must allow ourselves to be seen- really seen."

-Brene Brown

I don't recall the exact day and time I realized that vulnerability was actually a measure of courage, but I know I was swimming through some pretty big waves, acutely aware of the immense power of the ocean, and not sure exactly what could be lurking below me.

I felt completely exposed, uncertain, and maybe even threatened. My confidence in the water did not matter, once I got that visual of a Great White, and recognized that despite the minimal chances of a run-in with Jaws, I had fear, bordering on panic. I was vulnerable. I lived to write about it. No Great White to date, but a recognition that in order to be brave, we must be faced with some fear.

I think the V-word gets a bad rap. People think of it as weakness. People tie it to shame or a struggle for worthiness. But as Brene Brown says,

"Vulnerability sounds like truth and feels like courage. Truth and courage aren’t always comfortable, but they’re never weakness. Vulnerability is also the birthplace of joy, belonging, creativity, authenticity, and love. The level to which we protect ourselves from being vulnerable is a measure of our fear and disconnection.” 

We all protect ourselves from vulnerability, to some degree. Maybe through numbing, or through logic, through unwavering optimism, or clinging to certainty. But, maybe we can all realize that to feel vulnerable means that we are alive, and we are engaged in something worthwhile, and we are courageous.

Vulnerability is taking off the armor and facing a battle, a fear, a challenge, a moment of terror. This is courage.... the willingness to let go of who we think we should be, in order to be who we are... the belief that what makes us vulnerable makes us beautiful... the true freedom in being imperfect ... Courage.

Many ocean swims later, and I am still learning to show up without my armor- to honor the courage of my heart- to be imperfect and vulnerable; to be seen and connected; to be true and alive- in this full human experience.

I will leave 2 video links below- one is a meditation I presented on Veteran's Day, on courage and vulnerability, inspired by Brene Brown (I'm practicing my vulnerability in sharing this.) and the other is Brene Brown's 50 million-view TEDtalk on the topic. 

Sharing is caring :) 

Short Meditation with Jess

Brene Brown TEDTalk

THE SHIFT BLOG- Back Episodes Here.

Infinite Versions
Calm is a Superpower.
A Wave in the Ocean.
On One Leg.

Mr. T and Mr. V.
Training for Life.
We Can do Hard Things.
Flooding Our Brains with the Good Stuff.
The Invitation.
Jedi Mind-Trick.
Until I Realized...
Breathing for Health.

Do it all with Love. Nothing is promised. But everything is workable. 


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Infinite Versions.