Your turn… Take a minute to step outside yourself, then look inward…. Answer what you want… HERE

It's not what you look at that matters...

It's not what you look at that matters...

I just moved into a new house. It sits on the corner of the Route- 1 off-ramp. From my deck, I see and hear the cars, trucks, motorcycles, buses, 18-wheelers. From my office window, I see the traffic halt at the stop sign and turn left or right. From my bathroom window, I peer out over the on-ramp as cars accelerate. I have never felt so much stillness and calm in a house, as I witness this constant movement.

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Gratitude…For Real.

Gratitude…For Real.

…The goosebump-giving, inspiring, vivacious, capital G- Gratitude.

My mom's clinical trial. The infusion needle that sits gently in her body and delivers the most priceless of medicine to target the specific cells that need to be summoned to rest. My mom's strength and tenacity and sense of humor that has kept us all tied together and all in positive spirits through each trying moment. My mom's grace and beauty as she continues to be my rock. My mom's confidence and powerful vulnerability as she allows me to be a rock for her. The resilience of my family. The affection of my friends. The devotion of our community.


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Through teaching and practicing in these pandemic months, which have turned into years, through life's heartaches and joys that have brought me to my knees- I truly find hope in the HERE. The connection in BEING as I teach and practice in the space called Yoga. This is not a sales pitch or even a personal testimony, and I am not into the woo-woo...more on the opposite spectrum of drill sergeant...But, I do know that there is magic in our coming together in the movement-breath-based practice of yoga.

Yes. Magic.

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Cool Whip.

Cool Whip.

"Do you watch Family Guy?"...

"No, I definitely do not"...

"Well, there is this thing about Cool Whip, where Stewie over-exaggerates the silent-/h/ in /whip/, so it sounds like, Hh-Whip- Cool HWhip..."

"I love it", I say, "Can you do that?"

LC goes through all the /wh/ questions seamlessly, with just a touch of exaggeration on the silent H, asking me, "HWhat are you doing today?"...

I am joyfully laughing because I LOVE that we are utilizing Family Guy wit as a legit speech strategy. LC is hesitant, but sees my excitement, and is now embracing his Family Guy reference as a solid speech strategy, because it actually WORKS.

Watch the Family Guy clip below- it is worth your 60 seconds. I dare you to not smile.

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We are grateful to be featured in the latest Jimmy Fund Blog, as my mom awaits a slot in a clinical trial to keep fighting for her life. She has been a rock for me for 43 years, and if I have just a fraction of her strength and spirit, I know I am doing something right!

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Epic habits to make your routine flow.

Epic habits to make your routine flow.