
Episode 57.

How do I even begin to express the layers of depth found within this word; this concept; this topic?
A definition of family?
Merriam Webster and dictionary.com certainly don't do it justice.

How do I portray the paramount significance of family? 
A story of family?
A tree of family?
A photo of family? 
Some way of depicting all the architecture, the dimensions, the extensions of family; a notion that family traverses the boundary of blood, and withstands the element of tears; that family is dynamic; that each individual brings their unique presence, personality, purpose; that each has a role in the interplay of an omnipotent life of connection, which embeds itself into moments while expanding into lifetimes and generations. Each relationship is an integral piece to the nuanced dynamic.


I want to relate to the diversity and broad scope of variations of the family unit, and at the same time, personalize this so much, that as you read, you can actually feel my own family.

My family.

As I write those words, "my. family", I recognize that I am taking ownership; I am marking the branches and leaves on the family tree-  my mom's; my dad's; interwoven relationships and people who have come together, fallen apart, held on, walked through... I recognize that family is not a static unit to be conceptualized, but an ever-fluid, beckoning expanse of interaction and experience.

Experience. Yes. Family is an experience. 

An experience, as in a family cookout, Greek Easter dinner, a Cape beach day, or a family volleyball game? We certainly have had all of those...
Experience as an overarching adventure- the envelopment of a comedy of errors; a Seinfeld episode; an SNL skit; a Broadway play... 
Experience as a coming back to; a growing up in; a ricocheting off of; a settling into...
Experience as a familiarity; an aligning; a comfort; a security; an endless embrace...


Connected. Immersed. Spirited. Courageous. Invincible. 

Complex. Cohesive. Resilient. Nurturing. Generous.

Love. Honor. Devotion. Vitality. Loyalty. Gratitude.


My words still fall so short in the depth of emotion I feel in being connected to my family. I cherish each moment. I cherish each interaction. I cherish each heart. Family. Beyond words. 

Big Love. BIG. xoxoxo Jess


“Having somewhere to go is home. Having someone to love is family. And having both is a blessing.”

“Rejoice with your family in the beautiful land of life.” –Albert Einstein

"In family life, love is the oil that eases friction, the cement that binds closer together, and the music that brings harmony." -Friedrich Nietzsche

"Call it a clan, call it a network, call it a tribe, call it a family: Whatever you call it, whoever you are, you need one." -Jane Howard

“Never regret love,” she says. “That’s my motto. I don’t ever regret having loved someone too much, only not loving someone enough.”
― Rowan Coleman, We Are All Made of Stars

Do it all with Love. Nothing is promised. But everything is workable. 

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