3 Classes for $20
Try a Virtual Class from the comfort and safety of home
Or an Indoor / Outdoor Class for a safe, spacious, open experience
New to Yoga?
Start Here.
Accessible Yoga for Every Body.
Yes, guys do yoga. Yes, firefighters do yoga. Yes, inflexible people do yoga. Yes, goats do yoga. (but you have to bring your own goat). Yes, athletes do yoga. Yes, older people do yoga. No, you don’t have to touch your toes. No, you don’t have to know all the poses; or even one (you just have to show up and breathe). No, you don’t have to be so serious. Yes, you can laugh and smile. Yes, you can do a handstand in class. Yes, you can challenge yourself with advanced modifications. Yes, outdoor classes are spaced and open, and nobody is watching you. Yes, you can do this from home and turn your video off. Yes, you will feel it after class (lighter, stronger, energized). Yes, you will want to come back. Yes, you will probably lose weight. Yes, you will probably sleep better. Yes, you will probably be less stressed. Yes, you can bring a friend.
See what people say about these breath-based yoga classes with Jess.

Deal- 3 Virtual Classes for $20
Start here.
Try Remote Virtual Classes from the safety, convenience, and comfort of your home, while being in an accountable, fun, engaging workout, led by a motivating teacher, with no judgment, no pressure. You can keep your camera off, and follow along through a class that will rival any gym workout,- hitting every single muscle, toning, releasing, strengthening, de-stressing!
Just sign up and show up. You won’t regret it. (keep scrolling down for benefits, all in an hour class…)
Benefits of Yoga
Stress Release
Yoga reduces the effects of stress on the body. Through breath-based movement, we regulate our nervous system, moving from a chronic fight-flight-freeze response, to a calm state. This lowers levels of the stress hormone cortisol, effectively lowering blood pressure and heart rate, improving digestion, sleep, weight management, reducing stress and anxiety, and boosting the immune system.
Weight Management
Yoga can aid weight control efforts by reducing cortisol levels and reducing stress. Yoga also encourages overall healthy habits and provides a heightened sense of well-being and self-esteem.
Inner Stillness
All the wonderful things that don’t come from hard work and effort, come from the clarity induced in stillness. (Creativity, compassion, connection, calm) There is a difference between doing nothing and purposeful non-doing. This disciplined practice taps into an optimal state, increasing productivity, effective communication, clarity in decisions, compassion in interactions, calm in responses.
Pain Relief
Yoga can ease pain. Studies have demonstrated that practicing yoga, meditation, or a combination of the two, reduced pain for people with conditions such as cancer, multiple sclerosis, auto-immune diseases, hypertension, arthritis, back and neck pain, and other chronic conditions. Trauma and emotional pain can be eased through the practice of yoga.
Breath-based yoga focuses deliberately on matching a movement to a breath. This takes focus and intentional to take slower, deeper breaths. This helps to improve lung function, trigger the body’s relaxation response and increase the amount of oxygen available to the body.
Cardiovascular Health
Yoga practice provides cardiovascular benefits by lowering resting heart rate, reducing blood pressure, and improving heart rate variability (HRV- a measure of our body’s ability to adapt to stress and overall fitness). Breath-based flow yoga improves endurance and oxygen uptake / CO2 release during exercise, improving breathing efficiency and overall fitness.
Yoga improves flexibility and mobility, increasing range of motion and reducing aches and pains. Targeted poses release tension and lengthen every ligament, tendon, and muscle in the body. Yoga practice boasts injury prevention and maximizing performance with improved flexibility.
Yoga uses every muscle in the body, increasing strength literally from head to toe. This engaging practice will tone, define, and sculpt your physical body, but that is not the true value in strength. Mental and emotional strength and resilience in yoga rises above all benefits.
Focus on the Present
Yoga is discipline. This moving meditation has intentional, deliberate focus on breath control and matching breath to movement, keeping us in the present, increasing awareness, and cultivating mind-body health. Concentration is the gateway to improved attention, coordination, reaction time, and memory.
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Yoga for First-Timers. Why?
Yoga can be transformational. But first, showing up. Everyone who does yoga took their “first yoga class”... maybe with a feeling of utter dis-coordination... maybe with wobbly balance and fear of crashing through the wall.... maybe walking in with self-doubt and awkwardness... “What do I wear? What do I bring? I’m not flexible. I can’t be still.” .... But, 97% of people who took their first class, took their second class, and goes on to take their 95th class.... WHY? Because there is huge return on investment. Because yoga meets you where you are, asks nothing of you, but pays off 100x over.
There is no doing it wrong.
There is nobody looking at you.
There is no such thing as being bad at yoga.
There is no judgement.
Flexibility is not a pre-requisite.
Classes are based around breathing, so if you can breathe, you’re ahead of the game already.
This is one hour of your life and it will set you up to make yoga an accessible part of your training/weight-loss routine/de-stress/injury prevention.
There are benefits of yoga after just one class.
Yoga is basically the most effective anti-stress, anti-aging, performance-optimizing tool. You have it in you, you just have to access it.
Yoga for Everybody and Every Body. WHY?
Y O G A for A L L.
Yoga is not about a perfect pose or touching your toes or even “being able to relax”. Yoga is about showing up. Yoga is about strength and flexibility - of your mind. Sometimes this means stepping out of your comfort zone... and THAT is your perfect pose... THAT is your warrior.
At some point, everyone falls in life AND in yoga. Why not stumble in a safe place and grow with a fun community... YOGA for ALL.
YOGA is not always pretty. In fact, usually not. More like wobbly and feeling wrung out. You will sweat. You will stretch your mind as much as your body. You will be asked to do some challenging work to let go of what makes you feel heavy. Showing up is brave. Stepping on your mat is strength. Knowing that there is no “doing it wrong” is smart. Even the most advanced yogis benefit from a beginner’s mind. A distancing from the notion of perfection. YOGA is called practice for a reason- there is never an end point or pinnacle of attainment. We are constantly showing up to drop what’s heavy; to be lighter. I make the practice challenging on purpose.... to walk through an obstacle course of movements, with the idea of staying focused on one breath at a time. One breath. Space to practice. Freedom to fall. Balance of grit and grace. Training resilience. Transforming moments.
This is yoga.
Yoga for All.
We do not rise to the level of our expectations, we fall to the level of our training.
What people say about yoga with Jess… HERE